Like Reading??
"Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world."
- Jeanette Winterton
Below are a collection of books on both New View Safety and Organisational Coaching from my collection that have influenced and inspired me.
New View Safety Books
1 / The 5 Principles of Human Performance
Todd Conklin - A contemporary update of the building blocks of Human Performance for the New View of Safety.
2 / Paper Safe
Gregory Smith - The triumph of bureaucracy in safety management.
3 / If you can't measure it maybe you shouldn't
Carsten Busch - Reflections on measuring safety, indicators, and goals
4 / Safety Performance Reimagined
Brett Reid & Rod Ritchie - A 4D approach to organisational performance
5 / Next Generation Safety Leadership
Clive Lloyd - From compliance to care
6 / 10 Ideas to make Safety Suck Less
Sam Goodman - Bring human and organisational performance to life in your organisation
7 / Safety Differently
Sidney Dekker - Human Factors for a New Era
8 / 4D's for HOP and Learning Teams
Brent Sutton, Jeffery Lyth, Brent Robinson & Josh Bryant - A practical how-to guide to learn from everyday work, critical and dynamic risks with the 4D's
Organisational Coaching & Leadership Books
1 / The Solutions Focus
Paul Z Jackson & Mark McKergow - Making Coaching and Change SIMPLE
2 / Coaching for Performance
Sir John Whitmore - The principles and practices of coaching and leadership
3 / The Advice Trap
Michael Bungay-Stanier - Be humble, stay curious & change the way you lead forever
4 / Coaching in Three Dimensions
Paul Lawrence & Allen Moore - Meeting the challenges of a complex world
5 / Positive Psychology Coaching
Robert Biwas-Diener & Ben Dean - Putting the science of happiness to work for your clients
6 / Humble Inquiry
Edgar & Peter Schein - The gentle art of asking instead of telling
7 / The Coaching Habit
Michael Bungay-Stanier - Say less, ask more & change the way you lead forever
8 / The Fearless Organisation
Amy Edmondson - Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth
9 / Coach The Person Not The Problem
Marcia Reynolds - A Guide to using reflective Inquiry
10 / Coaching Practiced
Edited by David Tee & Jonathan Passmore - The only series to be approved by the BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY
"The more you read the more things you know. The more things you learn the more places you'll go"
- Dr. Seuss